Tutorial 1.5: Basic lighting, shadows and shine
Lighting, shadows and shine add incredible 3D realism to an FX. By default all of these features are turned on. Try turning them off to see the difference it makes.
Basic lighting options
Basic shadow options
Basic shine options
To turn off Lighting and Shadows:
· Click on the Shadows checkbox to clear it. Notice that the shadow disappears.
· Click on the Lighting checkbox to clear it. Notice that the 3D ball is no longer shaded.
· Click on Shadows and Lighting to turn these features back on.
In addition to being able to control which lighting features are used, you can also control the light direction. By default, light comes from the top center of the 3D “worldâ€. When you adjust the light direction, it automatically adjusts the shine and shadow position as well.
Light direction try-out:
· Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 90. Watch the preview.
· Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 180. Watch the preview.
· Click-and-drag the Light Direction dial so that it reads 0. You can also use the arrow keys to change the dial by one degree increments.
Changing the light direction to 180 degrees gives a very unique, almost sinister appearance.
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