Tutorial 1.4: Basic flight options
You can quickly change the flight path of an object in useful ways using the Basic Options controls.
Basic flight options
Watch the preview now. You will see that instead of the first video source flying off and revealing the second video source, the second video source will fly on and cover the first video source.
Flight path try-out:
· Click-and-drag the Flight Rotation dial so that it reads 45. Watch the preview.
· Click on the Object Rotation checkbox so it is checked. Watch the preview.
· Click-and-drag the Flight Path dial so that it reads 90. Watch the preview.
· Click-and-drag the Flight Path dial so that it reads 0. You can also use the arrow keys to change the dial by one degree increments.
The Flight Path dial rotates the entire flight path of the 3D objects in the FX, giving you a different result quickly and easily. When you change the Flight Path, it does not rotate the object itself. Checking the Rotate Object checkbox will cause the object itself to rotate and “follow†the new path.
Note: Some FX were not designed to be compatible with the basic flight options. So this feature may be disabled for those effects.
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