Tutorial 4.6: Other envelope controls
Before concluding this tutorial, let’s play around with some of the other envelope controls. First, let’s move quickly between the keyframes in this envelope.
To move between keyframes:
1. Click on the Prev
button in the Envelope Editor. The current time slider (and preview) will move to the keyframe at 0%.
2. Click on the Next
button in the Envelope Editor. The current time slider will move to the keyframe at 50%.
3. Click on the Next button. The current time slider will move to the keyframe at 100%.
4. Finally, click on the Prev button to return to the 50% keyframe.
Using the Prev and Next buttons can quickly get you to the keyframe you need, especially when you have keyframes close together and one of them is hard to select by clicking on it with the mouse.
Deleting a keyframe
Now let’s say we don’t really like having the keyframe at 50%, so we will get rid of it.
To delete the current keyframe: Click on the Delete
button in the Envelope Editor.
The keyframe at 50% disappears, and the envelope returns to a straight line between 0% and 100%.
Remember, envelopes can be created for almost any value in Hollywood FX. If a control is highlighted in green when you use it, that means you can control that value with an envelope and create exciting results.
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