Tutorial 4.4: Setting up the first keyframe

The way the envelope is currently designed, the value of Dissolve will remain 100% for the entire effect. What we want is for the value to start at 0%, so let’s change the first keyframe.

HollywoodFX image001 Tutorial 4.4: Setting up the first keyframe

Dissolve slider

To change the first keyframe:

1.      Click-and-drag on the time slider and move it to beginning in time 0%.

2.      Drag the dissolve slider and you will see the yellow block move to the bottom of the envelope window (value 0%). Its value is “tied” to the current envelope.

3.      Release the mouse button.

HollywoodFX image002 Tutorial 4.4: Setting up the first keyframe

The first keyframe is adjusted: 1) Click here to create keyframe; 2) Keyframe is created at 00:00:00:00.

Now our envelope will work correctly, causing the object to dissolve over the entire length of the transition. Try playing the preview to see the results.

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Tutorial 4.4: Setting up the first keyframe